Clipboardic 是一個可以將你「複製」了的文字,圖片經過 Windows Clipboard 檔案(.clp) 來分享及使用,每當你複製後(Copy),它都會生出一個 .clp 檔,你只需要選擇這些 .clp 檔就可以實現貼上複製好的資料了。官方說明這些 .clp 檔可容易分享在同網絡下的電腦,照我理解,因為本身複製的物件會產生一個 .clp 檔,所以只要將這些檔分享出來就可以用上同一程式實現網絡下共享 ClipBoard 了。
Clipboardic is a small utility that listen to the clipboard activity, and each time that you copy something into the clipboard, it automatically save the copied data into Windows clipboard file (.clp). Later, when you need the copied data again, you can simply select the right clipboard file, and Clipboardic will automatically insert it into the clipboard.
Clipboardic also allows you to easily share the clipboard data between multiple computers on your local network.
軟件提供的下載: zSHARE RapidShare Badongo Megaupload
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