

星期五, 10月 17, 2008

[軟件更新通知] FTP 程式 FileZilla


What's New3.1.4.1 (2008-10-16)

- *nix: Fix crash if renaming directories using the local directory tree
- Rebuilt official binaries to revert a regression in wxWidgets causing memory corruption

3.1.4 (2008-10-15)

- *nix and OS X: Avoid SIGPIPE if socket gets closed during uploads
- Fix SFTP speed limits
- Avoid reduntant refreshes of local file lists on some drag&drop operations
- Send user agent with requests if using HTTP proxy
- MSW: Add checkbox to start FileZilla to finish page of intaller
- Reselect previously set default file exists action if reopening dialog on a queue item
- OS X: Do not check /net whether it has subdirectories, it is extremely slow
- Upon reconnecting, fall back to list current directory if last used directory is no longer accessible

3.1.4-rc1 (2008-10-08)

+ Configurable number of decimal places for filesize formatting
+ Allow editing of files with identical name but different remote paths
+ File changed notification displays more information
+ Manual transfer dialog
+ Quickconnect bar can be hidden
+ MSW: React to added or removed drive letters
- Downloading updates should no longer randomly freeze the client after HTTP redirects
- Huge queues should save slightly faster

曾幾何時,我常用 Ftp ,當然也自建過 FTP 站台,討論區/.\ 後來因為被人 hack 入過,就再不用自己的電腦做 FTP server 和 討論區了...我一開始用 ftp 時就用 CuteFtp,雖然現階段我已經重裝過無數次 Windows,不過 Cuteftp 記錄也保存著...不過今天不是說 CuteFtp,因為不竟是收費軟件,雖然網路上可以找到破解版,不過還是擔心會否被植入木馬...

所以我推薦大家用免費版的 FileZilla,其實當初我試過很多 Ftp,很早期 FileZilla 也試過...始終感覺 CuteFtp 比較好用,但現在公司都要用合法軟件,所以我就試用了 FileZilla,怎知一試就愛不釋手,感覺上下傳都給 CuteFtp 快,亦不會有太多不必要"等計算"時間...(老實說 CuteFtp 蠻不錯...但感覺就是越新版處理時間越久,而且還要收費破解,所以我這老客戶也轉台了^^)

FileZilla 有繁體版本,而且有安裝版和綠色版,軟件支援SSH,SSH2 及 Unicode,而且原來由3.0 開始就重新撰寫內核程式碼,怪不得感覺蠻優秀,而且更新也蠻勤力,一個月總見它更新幾次,致力改善程式問題!


官方網站 : http://filezilla-project.org/
安裝版本 & 綠色版本

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