MozillaCacheView 是一款讀取查看 Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape 瀏覽器暫存區的檔案的各項資料的小工具,資料包括 URL,內容類型,檔案大小,最後更改和存取時間,存取次數,失效時間,伺服器名稱等等更多的資料...
MozillaCacheView is a small utility that reads the cache folder of Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape Web browsers, and displays the list of all files currently stored in the cache. For each cache file, the following information is displayed: URL, Content type, File size, Last modified time, Last fetched time, Expiration time, Fetch count, Server name, and more.
You can easily select one or more items from the cache list, and then extract the files to another folder, or copy the URLs list to the clipboard.
本地程式下載(繁體版) (右鍵下載 及 改成 .rar)
官方英文版下載 & 官方繁體語言檔下載
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