Http File Server 2.2d
專為個人用戶所設計的 HTTP 檔案系統 - Http File Server,如果您覺得架設 FTP Server 太麻煩,那麼這個軟體可以提供您更方便的檔案傳輸系統,下載後無須安裝,只要解壓縮後執行 hfs.exe,於「Virtual File System(虛擬檔案系統)」窗格下按滑鼠右鍵,即可新增/移除虛擬檔案資料夾,或者,直接將欲加入的檔案拖曳至此視窗,便可架設完成個人 HTTP 虛擬檔案伺服器。
「Menu→IP address→Custom..」輸入您的網域名稱。
「Menu→Other options→Users..」可以設定您所允許登入的使用者名稱及密碼。「Menu→Other options→MIME types..」可以設定允許的檔案類型副檔名。
DescriptionYou can use HFS (HTTP File Server) to send and receive files.
It's different from classic file sharing because it uses web technology to be more compatible with today's Internet.
It also differs from classic web servers becauseit's very easy to use and runs "right out-of-the box".
Access your remote files, over the network.
It has been successfully tested with Wine under Linux.
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