

星期一, 9月 08, 2008

FaceBook 玩寶礦力 Game 有著數

Facebook 可以加入遊戲已經是舊聞,所以不詳介紹!

如果大家都有 Facebook ,就將寶礦力程式加入來換取遊戲積分,積分可以換取寶礦力精品外,還可以將積分轉為 Bid point , 在寶礦力較後 9月22日推出的拍賣網站內盡情 bid 珍藏絕版東西!


How to play

The aim of the application is to collect all items of Pocari Sweat in “My Locker” for permanently storage.

To collect items:

- You can purchase items in “Market” by credits
- You can challenge and exchange items with friends to collect same series of items. Possibility of success depends on you and your friend’s body water level and item’s credit level. No matter success or not, 3-6% of body water level will be deduced.

To collect credits:

- You can play game to gain credits, at the same time you’ll lose body water level by 3%.
- You can invites friends to gain credits
- You can answer daily questions to gain 500 credits once a day.

To replenish body water level:

- When you play game and challenge friends, you lose water for the action and your body water level will drop.
- You can replenish your body water level by purchasing Pocari Sweat products and market and drink them.
- Normally human loses 2500 mL of body fluid per day. Drinking Pocari Sweat products will increase the body water level by proportion base on the capacity of the products

To lock items:

- Once you collected 3 identical items, a lock appears and you can lock them in your locker for permanently storage
- You can preview the whole series of product in “My Locker”

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